What?? You haven't heard of the Lovin' Soap Project? For those of you that haven't heard of it, The Lovin’ Soap Project is a grassroots, hands-on organization working to improve the lives of women and girls through health, education, artisan soap making, business planning, and economic development.
What this means... is that I have some AMAZING soapy friends, that take time out of their lives to FLY THEMSELVES to Haiti to teach women (most are living in tent camps after the 2010 earthquake) how to make soap. You may ask yourselves, "How does learning how to make soap help anything? It's just SOAP..." Well... it may be "just soap" to you, but to these women, it's a source of income! It becomes a commodity to trade and bargain with... a skill that they can pass down to future generations... a hand-UP instead of a hand-out. (And in some cases.. soap can save lives. There are a number of hygene-preventable diseases in impoverished areas.. Thankfully, most of us will never have to think of it, but in some areas just WASHING YOUR HANDS can save your life)
I am lucky enough to have a bar of soap made by the women of OFEDA, and I cherish it! You can feel the energy and the smiles of the women that worked to create this soap.
This project is near and dear to my heart, not only because I am a soapmaker, or because my friends are the ones carrying out this wonderful project... but because they are saving lives and empowering women! I worked in the medical field for 15 years. I've seen what disease can do. I am SO honored to know Amanda & Benjamin (I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Kym yet), these are some really amazing people!!
Please take a minute to follow the links and get to know a little more about the fabulous-ness that is: The Lovin' Soap Project. Thank you!