Okay, okay.... I know I've been lax (to say the least) with my blog posts. Uhmmm..... yeah. How about a do-over?
With the new year here, and things finally coming together a bit with my business... it's come to my attention that I really should actually START blogging. I mean, you guys want to be kept in the loop, right? So that is my resolution for the new year... to TRY to remember to get on here and post pictures and updates of what I'm doing.
With the new year here, and things finally coming together a bit with my business... it's come to my attention that I really should actually START blogging. I mean, you guys want to be kept in the loop, right? So that is my resolution for the new year... to TRY to remember to get on here and post pictures and updates of what I'm doing.

2011 ended with a bang at the Christmas Craft Fair. (As well as in my neighborhood, with the idiots down the street setting off propane bombs) So many new items and re-worked products. I'm finally getting things the way I'd like them to be. The packaging is more professional and the products themselves are continuing to evolve into something spectacular!
Why yes, that *IS* Hot Chocolate soap with soap marshmallows!
2012 promises to be a doozy of a year! Stand back and watch me go!! (Or you can come along for the ride if you want!)
2012 promises to be a doozy of a year! Stand back and watch me go!! (Or you can come along for the ride if you want!)